eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Commissioned by eBay Australia
Disclaimer: This report does not assess whether collectors’ nancial strategies are eective and thus the report should not be interpreted as nancial advice from Deloitte or eBay.Please see the appendices for
more detail on the survey and methodology.
The most common
collectibles among those
surveyed include coins (36%),
LEGO® sets (33%), toys (26%)
and sneakers (22%).
With more than
1in 4
Australian adults surveyed by
Deloitte and eBay identifying
as collectors, it is estimated
that Australia may have over
5 million collectors.
According to the survey,
the median total prot for a
collector selling collectibles was
over the past three years.
Collecting is more common
amongst men (34% of
total men surveyed) than
women (22%).
Three quarters of collectors
surveyed buy on general
e-commerce websites or social
media. Of those that bought
online, eBay was the preferred
online platform.
Collecting may grow in the future,
with the survey showing
of Australian adults are
interested in collecting, but not
currently doing so.
Of the collectors surveyed,
the highest valued collectibles
included watches (average
collection value of $7,000),
luxury handbags ($6,100) and
antiques ($5,500)
Collecting is more
common amongst Gen Z
and millennials surveyed
(aged 18-34) than other
age groups, with over
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
About the report
eBay State of Collectibles 2023 was prepared by Deloitte
Access Economics and commissioned by eBay Australia.
The report is informed by a survey elded by Dynata on
behalf of eBay Australia and Deloitte that closed in
August 2022, targeted at Australian adults.
The survey reached 3,960 Australians, who were asked
to self-identify as collectors.
The survey data was broadly in line with the latest
population and demographic estimates from the
Australian Bureau of Statistics. Appendix B sets out
more information on the structure of the survey.
The statistics in this report do not consider risk proles
or liquidity, which are essential factors to consider. The
statistics also exclude the eects of leverage that can
boost returns for other assets (in particular, property).
Past performance is not indicative of future
performance for any asset class, and there is no
guarantee that prices or price returns for collectibles will
continue to increase in the future.
Factual information only
This report is providing factual information only, about
the personal preferences of the 3,960 collectors
surveyed. It is not intended to imply any
recommendation or opinion about a nancial product.
No information in the report is intended to inuence a
person in making a decision about a particular product
or asset. It does not contain any type of nancial advice
or recommendation about what is right for you. If you
would like nancial advice including about what is right
for you, please speak to an authorised nancial adviser.
All investments, in any type of asset, carry risk. As
markets go up and down, so too can the value of
investments. Past performance is not indicative of future
performance. It is important you carefully consider the
risks involved before investing in anything. You should
seek appropriate taxation and legal advice to see if any
investment decision is right for you.
Reliance on information
The information is provided in good faith and derived
from sources believed to be accurate and current at the
date of publication.
While care has been taken to ensure the information is
correct at the time of publishing, circumstances can
change from time to time and Deloitte and eBay do not
give any warranty or make any representation as to the
accuracy, reliability, completeness, condentiality or
security of the information contained in this report.
Deloitte and eBay are not liable for any loss arising from
reliance on this information, including reliance on
information that is no longer current.
References to third-party sources are inserted for
convenience in this report, but do not constitute
endorsement of material in those sources.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Executive Summary
Australia is a nation of collectors
With more than one in four adults surveyed for this
report collecting goods such as coins, toys, sneakers and
art, it is estimated that Australia may have over 5 million
Collectibles are also an alternative source of wealth for
some Australians. Over 40% of those surveyed that are
collectors or interested in collecting have a nancial
objective when collecting.
Of the collectors surveyed, the highest valued
collectibles included watches (average collection value of
$7,000), luxury handbags ($6,100) and antiques ($5,500).
The most common collectibles among those surveyed
include coins (36%), LEGO® sets (33%), toys (26%) and
sneakers (22%).
Collecting is changing over time
The survey found collecting appeals to all ages. In
particular, collecting is more common amongst
millennials (aged 18-34), with over half of millennials
surveyed participating, slightly more common amongst
men (34%) than women (22%), and spread fairly evenly
across Australia.
According to those surveyed, digital platforms are now
the primary channel collectors use, with websites and
social media most popular. Of those who bought online,
the most preferred website was eBay.
Collecting may grow in the future, with the survey
showing 8% of Australian adults are interested in
collecting, but not currently doing so.
Nation of
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Executive Summary (cont.)
Collectibles as an investment
Collectors were surveyed on their personal preferences
for collectibles compared to other asset classes (savings,
term deposits, property, bonds, and shares). They
ranked collectibles highly on admin costs and simplicity
(ranked 2nd), average (3rd) on both risk and returns, and
the lowest (5th) on liquidity.
The median total prot for a collector selling collectibles
was $5,000-$10,000 over the past three years (although
the size of each collectors total investment was not
specied). The survey shows that trust is key to trading
collectibles. The eBay Authenticity Guarantee is one such
way to improve the trust in the market.
What can collectors do?
1. Collectors should do their research to understand
the market. Getting online is an easy way to look for
and buy and sell collectibles.
2. Collectors may nd some hidden gems around the
house. People can get collectibles valued, they
may be worth more than you think.
3. Joining an online collectible community may be a
way to learn more. Be careful of inauthentic goods
and seek opportunities to have goods veried.
4. Like any asset, collectibles carry risks as well as
returns. Make sure to consider both the risks and
the potential returns.
5. Do you have a passion or in-depth knowledge of
something? Your passion could turn a prot. It’s
best to be clear on why you are buying or selling – is
it your taste or a nancial decision?
An important note
This report seeks to shed some light on the collectibles market – who is collecting, why and what they are collecting and how
they are doing it. It provides some ‘food for thought’ data on the market, based on a survey of 3,960 Australians (of which
over 1,000 self-identied as collectors) and other sources. It does not assess whether collectors’ nancial strategies are
eective and none of the report’s insights should be interpreted as nancial advice from Deloitte or eBay.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
What?Who?How much?Growth?
Collectibles are a large and growing
global market
Annualised return on collectibles assets
globally, decade to 2019
Source: Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index, The Wealth
Report 2020
What are collectibles?
Collectibles are items someone may acquire with
the intention of holding on to them as a hobby or
They include coins, LEGO® sets, toys and sneakers.
More recently, digital collectibles such as Non-Fungible
Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a new collectible.
People buy and sell collectibles for several reasons
As a hobby or passion (e.g. acquires handbags to add
to their collection)
Financial objectives (e.g. purchases sneakers to trade
or sell for a prot, or buys rare comic books or trading
cards as an investment, hoping they appreciate)
Collectibles are a part of a large global market
The decade before 2020 saw strong demand for
collectibles, reected by price growth across the
category. According to the Knight Frank Luxury
Investment Index
, which covers a broad range of
collectibles, the average return was around 9% per
annum during this period.
Many collectibles exploded in popularity during the
pandemic. In particular, the volume of trading
cards sold on eBay in the United States grew by
strong triple digit growth in 2020 from 2019. This
was equivalent to more than 4 million more sports,
collectible card games and non-sport trading cards
being bought and sold in 2020 compared to 2019.
Globally some collectibles have demonstrated solid long
run price growth. Analysis from Credit Suisse has shown
that globally collectibles have demonstrated solid long-
term investment price increases of 2.9% in real terms
(accounting for ination) from 1900 – 2017.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Average return
Rare Whisky
How ?
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
1 Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index,The Wealth Report 2020
2eBay, 2021 State of Trading Cards Report, February 2021
3 Credit Suisse, Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2018, February 2018. Note: The denition of collectibles used diers from that
used in this report.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
28% of the Australians surveyed identied themselves as
What?Who?How much?Growth? How ?
Australia is a nation of collectors
With more than one in four Australian adults
collecting, Deloitte’s survey suggests there could
be around 5 million collectors nationwide. Most of
these (60%) collectors are experienced, having collected
for more than ve years, and almost one in ve are very
experienced with more than 20 years’ experience.
The most commonly collected items of those surveyed
includes coins (36% of collectors), LEGO® sets (33%),
toys (26%) and sneakers (22%). However, the highest
value collectibles are watches (with an average collection
value of $7,000), luxury handbags ($6,100) and antiques
The collectibles with the biggest dierence between
those collecting as a hobby and those with a nancial
objective include LEGO® sets, NFTs and luxury
For those that collect hoping for a nancial gain, the
overwhelming majority (78%) cite at least one other
reason for collecting, with the most common being that
they genuinely love the product.
Over the past ve years, spending in Australia on
collectible items has grown, driven by rising incomes and
online shopping. Demand for vintage and retro goods
has also beneted from interest in quirky collectibles
and pre-loved fashion.
Most common collectibles collected by Australians
LEGO® sets
Trading cards
Luxury handbags
Funko Pop!
Traditional Collectibles Emerging Collectibles
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
* Value of collectibles reported excludes high end collectibles (e.g.
classic cars) and the potential value of all household items that
could be sold as collectibles.
4 Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
5 IBISWorld, Antique and Used Goods Retailing in Australia, April 2022
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Collecting can be for everyone - its widespread across
geographies, genders, ages and incomes
Collecting can be for everyone
Based on the survey responses, collector investors and
hobbyists are widespread across the nation, covering all
states and territories. States with a substantial collector
population include Western Australia, Victoria and
New South Wales. In contrast, Queensland and South
Australia have lower proportions of the population
Hobby collecting is popular in Tasmania and Victoria,
while collecting for a nancial objective is more prevalent
in Western Australia and New South Wales.
Meanwhile, males are slightly more interested in
collecting than females. Around one third of men
surveyed identied as collectors compared to
almost a quarter of women. Younger people seem to
be more interested in collecting overall with around
half of those aged 18 – 34 being a collector of some
kind. See Appendix B for more details.
Based on the survey, while interest in most collectibles
is spread across all income levels, more expensive
collectibles (such as luxury handbags and watches)
tend to be preferred by higher income collectors, as
well as LEGO® sets and sneakers.
Antiques, memorabilia, coins and stamps are the
collectibles that tend to see the least variation in
collecting interest across incomes.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
Collecting behaviours across states
Collecting by gender
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
Note: Caution should be taken interpreting results for smaller states and territories given small sample size.
* This analysis excludes ACT and the NT because of small sample size
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
No, but would consider it No and not interested at all
Yes, as a hobby Yes, with a financial objective
No, but would consider it No and not interested at all
Yes, as a hobby Yes, with a financial objective
How much?Growth? What?Who?How ?
6,7 Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Case studies – eBay collectors
Alexandra McFarlane
Alexandra McFarlane is a full-time university student in Melbourne studying speech
pathology and works at a local trading card store.
She has been a collector for around 17 years, starting her collection from the age of 5.
She was inuenced by her father and was initially interested in AFL cards, before
moving on to NBA cards. Her passion for trading cards evolved into a greater focus on
investing and nance as card prices increased during the pandemic.
McFarlane also closely follows sports associated with the trading cards as players
performance can aect the trading card market.
I feel like everyone who collects follows the sport
closely, not only do I love the sport, but it’s also a real
indicator of how the market’s trending as well
Apart from sports trading cards, she also collects tobacco cards from the 1930s. Her
favourite collectibles include a 1901 Winston Churchill tobacco card, a Chris
Hemsworth autographed card and a 1979 Diego Maradona Card.
Most of her trading card purchases are done on eBay since it is a trusted brand and a
worldwide marketplace with many cards for sale. The fact that McFarlane can buy
cards from all over the world is crucial given many cards she collects come from the
United States and the United Kingdom.
One of her goals with collecting is to use it to help save up for a house deposit and
assist in paying for a holiday.
Note: These case studies are individual experiences of collectors and other individuals may have dierent experiences.
What?Who?How much?Growth?
How ?
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Case studies – eBay collectors (cont.)
Michael Fan
Michael Fan is an avid sneaker collector from Melbourne and has been collecting
shoes since 2004. His passion for sneakers comes from his love of basketball and NBA.
His collection of around 700 sneakers includes a pair of Air Jordans valued at an
estimated $1 million. The shoes were game-worn by Michael Jordan during the
1985-86 season with less than 10 pairs ever made. The shoes are mismatched with the
left shoe being a size 13 and the right a 13.5 to t the superstar’s mismatched feet.
The shoe’s design, detail and fashion aspects are all fundamental to Fan when
examining a pair of sneakers, as is the story behind the shoes. Another pair of
sneakers in his collection is a pair of Air Jordans Michael Jordan played in on his wife’s
The shoes act as a bridge to connect me and the players and
some other collectors, so we can share our stories in our local
sneaker community
Fan primarily uses eBay to search for and buy the best sneakers because of eBay’s
Authenticity Guarantee and secure payment system security.
When trading collectibles, Fan believes the most important thing is to do your research
and understand the market.
Note: These case studies are individual experiences of collectors and other individuals may have dierent experiences.
What?Who?How much?Growth?
How ?
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Collectibles buying and selling is going digital
The survey shows the majority of collectors buy their
collectibles online rather than in person, with more
than three quarters of collectors buying on general
e-commerce websites or social media.
Of those that buy online the most preferred platform
is eBay, followed by other e-commerce sites and social
While over half of collectors surveyed browse or
search for collectibles at least once per week, the most
common frequency for buying collectibles is once every
3-4 months.
In the emerging digital collectibles space, around 30%
of collectors surveyed say they have purchased an NFT,
with another quarter indicating they would consider
buying one. Collectors are primarily interested in
NFTs because it is a new and growing space, though
traditional issues such as verication of ownership are
an important factor.
In any given year, half of collectors may hold onto
their collectibles, with those collecting as a hobby more
likely to hold onto collectibles than those collecting for a
nancial objective. Of those collectors that sell, almost
half do so around once or twice a month.
Similar to buying activity, most selling takes place on
well-known websites that provide a larger market for
sellers with eBay being the most popular platform for
selling online.
For those collectors who arent selling collectibles, the
most important factor in convincing them to sell
is the right price, though a portion of Australians
surveyed plan to hold onto their items.
Ranking of most popular websites to buy
collectibles on according to the survey
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
Most collectors purchase collectibles online,
with eBay the most popular website to buy
collectibles on
What could incentivise the selling of collectibles?
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
Right buyer Need more
Bored with
Would never
Who?How much?Growth? What?
1 eBay
2 Facebook
3 Amazon
4 Gumtree
5 Etsy
6 Ozzie Collectables
7 Mighty Ape
8 Open Sea
9 Other online store
How ?
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
8 to 13 Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Selected trading cards sold on eBay have seen strong
price growth in recent years
Trading cards
eBay data from 2019 – 2022 for four selected trading
cards (see table on the right) shows strong growth in
average prices for these cards.
eBay Australia’s Alaister Low says: “COVID signicantly
impacted the popularity of trading cards, driven by
people clearing out their cupboards, revisiting old
hobbies and the cancellation of live sport. Weve seen
major events in popular culture like the Superbowl
inuence the popularity of sports cards and buyers are
willing to fork out a lot of money.”
Pokémon cards are one of the most popular collections
listed on eBay where parents and kids can share the
passion for collecting.”
Average prices and price growth for selected
trading cards
Note: Collectibles information is based on eBay average prices (in AUD) for selected collectibles between 2019 and 2022. Prices are rounded to
the nearest hundred dollars and growth rates to the nearest ve percent. Please see Appendix C for more detail.
Who?How ?How much?Growth? What?
Source: eBay.
Trading card
2019 –
1999 Base Set
Charizard 4/102
Unlimited Holo PSA 9 $300 $2,400 790%
PSA 7 $2,000 $10,000 400%
Pokémon 2016
Evolutions Booster
Box $200 $1,300 725%
2003-04 Topps
Lebron James Rookie
Card BGS 9.5 $600 $2,200 245%
14 eBay
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Selected LEGO® sets sold on eBay sell for a variety of
price levels
eBay data from 2019 – 2022 shows that the ve selected
LEGO® sets (see table on right) can vary signicantly
in their average price, with prices ranging from around
$200 to around $2,100.
eBay Australia’s Alaister Low says: “There is a strong
passion for LEGO® sets across generations including
those who enjoy building and displaying them, as well as
fans of popular culture movements such as Star Wars
as seen by the growth of the LEGO® Star Wards Cloud
LEGO® sets are a perennial favourite for adults and
children, we see everything from vintage LEGO® sets
like the iconicLEGO® Star Wars Cloud Cityto the latest
trending must haves trading on eBay.”
Average prices and price growth for selected
LEGO® sets
Note: Collectibles information is based on eBay average prices (in AUD) for selected collectibles between 2019 and 2022. Prices are rounded to
the nearest hundred dollars and growth rates to the nearest ve percent. Please see Appendix C for more detail.
Who?How ?How much?Growth? What?
Source: eBay.
2019 –
LEGO® Grand
Carousel 10196 $1,700 $2,100 20%
LEGO® Kings Castle $200 $600 200%
LEGO® Monorail
Airport Shuttle $700 $900 25%
LEGO® Star Wars
Cloud City $1,200 $1,900 50%
LEGO® Star Wars
Darth Maul 10018 $600 $1,000 85%
15 eBay
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Selected luxury handbags sold on eBay can
command high average selling prices
eBay data from 2019 – 2022 for ve selected handbags
(see table on right) shows they can command a high
price on eBay, with many selling for an average of over
eBay Australia’s Head of Luxury, Brooke Eichhorn says:
One of the many benets of buying pre-loved handbags
is that it is a great way to add items to your wardrobe
while contributing to the circular economy. The limited
number of handbags created, and the craftsmanship
and quality materials which goes into creating a luxury
handbag, means the items remain in demand and can
increase in value over time.”
Buying and selling on a platform like eBay which has
a program such as Authenticity Guarantee for luxury
handbags and sneakers ensures everyone can be
assured that a product is the real deal.”
Average prices and price growth for selected
Note: Collectibles information is based on eBay average prices (in AUD) for selected collectibles between 2019 and 2022. Prices are rounded to
the nearest hundred dollars and growth rates to the nearest ve percent. Please see Appendix C for more detail.
Who?How ?How much?Growth? What?
Source: eBay.
2019 –
Chanel Coco Top
Handle $3,700 $7,000 85%
Hermes Constance $9,700 $9,500 0%
Hermes Kelly 28cm $7,9 00 $11,700 50%
Hermes Kelly 32cm $6,700 $25,800 285%
Louis Vuitton
Neverfull Tote Bag $900 $1,400 50%
16 eBay
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Selected sneakers sold on eBay have seen
variedlevels ofprice growth in recent years
eBay data from 2019 – 2022 for three selected sneakers
(see table on right) shows they have experienced price
growth ranging from around 25% to 50%.
eBay Australia’s Alaister Low says: “Australians are
sneaker-mad and they have fast become a highly
coveted item for both fashion and long-term investment
potential. Globally, the most expensive sneaker sold on
eBay was the Nike LeBron 2 James All-Star game-worn
sneakers for upwards of $130,000 while a pair of Air
Jordan 1 Retro High X Dior sneakers went for more than
$15,000 in Australia in 2022.”
The trend in sneaker buying is primarily a Gen Z and
Millennial base, but sneaker culture is underpinned by
nostalgia, which broadens the audience to a slightly
older demographic. Ultimately, sneakerheads want to
get their hands on the most coveted pairs and are not
only keen to buy them to wear but also sell them for a
Average prices and price growth for selected
Note: Collectibles information is based on eBay average prices (in AUD) for selected collectibles between 2019 and 2022. Prices are rounded to
the nearest ten dollars and growth rates to the nearest ve percent. Please see Appendix C for more detail.
Who?How ?How much?Growth? What?
Source: eBay.
2019 –
Jordan 4 Bred $360 $530 50%
Jordan 11 Space Jam $330 $410 25%
Gucci Rhyton $440 $540 25%
17 eBay
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Surveyed collector perceptions of collectibles
against other assets varies across dierent metrics
Collectors: asset preferences and perceptions
Surveyed collectors told us they perceive collectibles as
Surveyed collectors told us they perceive collectibles as
being simple to invest in as well as having very low
administrative costs.
On the other hand, they were seen as less liquid than
other assets (meaning collectibles can be harder to sell
than other assets like shares on an exchange). With
the survey showing most collectors buying collectibles
online, the rise of online platforms and communities for
selling collectibles has become increasingly important.
The almost 1,500 collectors and potential collectors
surveyed perceived collectibles as having mid-level risk
and return investment opportunity compared to
the collectors’ perception of traditional investment
Collectibles can also oer other benets, including
diversication of asset classes held
and an emotional
reward for owners as they invest in their passion.
Note: This graph is providing information based on the personal preferences and perception of the collectors surveyed. It is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about investment advise.
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
Who?Growth? How much? What?
Collectors ranking of collectibles’ perceived characteristics compared to other assets
How ?
Savings account Term deposits Collectibles Property Bonds Shares listed in Australia
18 Credit Suisse, Collectibles: An integral part of wealth, October 2020. Note: The denition of collectibles used diers from that used in this report.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
The risk and return of collectibles
can vary in dierent economic
High ination and interest rates could aect the
collectibles market
Ination reached 7.8% in the year to December 2022, the
highest ination rate since 1990. To combat high ination
the Reserve Bank of Australia has rapidly increased
interest rates, adding to cost of living pressures.
With the combination of high ination, rising interest
rates, falling house prices, low levels of consumer
condence and negative real wage growth, consumer
spending growth is expected to decelerate over 2023.
While almost half of collectors surveyed expect to spend
the same or more on collectibles over the 12 months
to August 2023 (compared to the previous year), the
majority of those surveyed indicated that they will cut
back their spending or spend nothing on collectibles.
According to Credit Suisses June 2022 report,
‘Collectibles amid heightened uncertainty and ination
collectibles have historically demonstrated varied
returns across high ination and rising interest rate
According to this report, handbags
and watches tend to do well in high ination
environments while handbags and wine tend to do
best when real interest rates are high.
The assets most vulnerable to periods of high ination
are ne wines, American and Latin American art and
modern and contemporary art.
Meanwhile, research
suggests that the most
procyclical collectible (i.e. items that move in line
with broader economic activity the most) is ne
art. On the other hand, handbags and classic cars
could be considered as counter-cyclical (prices move
inversely to broader economic conditions).
Most collectors surveyed that are hoping to make
money on their collectibles expect gains of at least
20%, with almost a quarter expecting to more than
double their money.
Expected return on collectibles for those
hoping to make money on their collectibles
according to the survey
Source: Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Hope to break even
1 - 10%
11 - 20%
21% - 50%
51% - 100%
More than 100%
Who?How much? What?Growth?
How ?
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
19 Reserve Bank of Australia, Statement on Monetary Policy February 2023
20,25 Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
21 to 24 Credit Suisse, Collectibles amid heightened uncertainty and ination, June 2022. Note: The denition of collectibles used diers from that
used in this report.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
A further 1.5 million Australians are interested in
collecting and could become collectors
There are a large number of Australians who are not
currently collectors but are interested in collecting
If the survey results are anything to go by, there could
be an estimated 1.5 million additional collectors in
the current population.*
These people told us the main appeal of collecting is
because it seems like an enjoyable and interesting
activity, rather than for nancial gain.
This group also told us they are more interested
in traditional collectible items (coins, antiques,
memorabilia and stamps) than other collectibles (Funko
Pop! and sneakers). This indicates traditional collectibles
could be important in introducing new people to the
collectibles space.
Who?How much?Growth? What?
* 1.5 million additional collectors is estimated based on the Deloitte Access Economics Survey which found that around 8% of Australian adults are
not collectors but interested in collecting. Applying this percentage to the Australian adult population gives around 1.5 million additional collectors.
How ?
26 Deloitte Access Economics Survey 2022
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Appendix A: This report
Deloitte Access Economics was commissioned by eBay Australia to report on the
collectibles market in Australia. As part of the report a survey was undertaken to gain
insights into Australian collectors.
This report is the rst of its kind to examine the collectibles market in Australia. Many
other reports (e.g. ASX Australian Investor Study) also tend not to consider collectibles as
The survey
This report is informed by a survey elded by Dynata on behalf of Deloitte from July to
August 2022.The survey was targeted at Australian adults. The survey reached 3,960
Australians, who were asked to self-identify as collectors.
Collectors were divided into those for whom it was a hobby and those that collected for a
nancial objective.
Those who were not collecting were divided into those that would consider collecting and
those that were not interested at all. The survey with this latter group was terminated
after the rst question, and participants were not asked further questions.
Q1: Do you consider yourself a collector?
Collectibles are items that someone may acquire with the intention of holding on to them
as a hobby or investment rather than consuming them. They can often include items
such as LEGO® sets, trading cards, sneakers and handbags.
Examples of who a collector could be include someone:
that acquires stamps as a hobby to add to their collection
that purchases sneakers to trade or sell for a prot
that buys rare comic books or trading cards as an investment hoping that they
n = 3,960
Note: Figures are rounded.
Q1 Distribution
Yes, collector only as a hobby 14%
Yes, collector with a nancial objective (e.g. investing in or buying
and selling collectibles)
No, but would consider it 8%
No and not interested at all 64%
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Appendix B: Survey demographics
Survey Sample size
Male 1,581
Female 2,376
18-24 328
25-34 606
35-44 527
45-54 417
55-64 685
65-79 1236
80+ 161
Australian Capital Territory 70
New South Wales 1141
Northern Territory 17
Queensland 888
South Australia 408
Tasmania 87
Victoria 983
Western Australia 366
Total  3,960
Note: Genders do not sum to total because some people responded prefer not to say as gender.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Appendix B: Survey results
No, but would consider it
(n = 299)
No and not interested at all
(n = 2,550)
Yes, as a hobby
(n = 557)
Yes, with a nancial objective
(n = 521)
18-24 7% 30% 35% 28%
25-34 8% 30% 36% 26%
35-44 6% 54% 12% 28%
45-54 10% 68% 12% 10%
55-64 7% 80% 7% 6%
65-79 8% 84% 5% 3%
80+ 6% 88% 4% 3%
Male 8% 57% 17% 17%
Female 7% 70% 12% 11%
Australian Capital Territory 9% 50% 16% 26%
New South Wales 6% 66% 13% 15%
Northern Territory 18% 35% 12% 35%
Queensland 8% 72% 12% 8%
South Australia 9% 70% 12% 10%
Tasmania 19% 55% 19% 7%
Victoria 7% 61% 17% 15%
Western Australia 9% 57% 17% 18%
Note: Figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding.
eBay State of Collectibles 2023
Appendix C: Collectibles analysis
Data and method
Data supplied by eBay was used to calculate average prices
and price increases for sneakers, handbags, trading cards
and LEGO® sets. For each collectible several products
were selected by eBay based on those with the best
available data.
Prices for each collectible were an average price based
on all transactions in a given year. Transactions included
Australian sellers to all buyers (both Australian buyers and
overseas buyers) in AUD.
The average prices and increase for products was
calculated from 2019 to 2022, with each year the
period from 1 September to 31 August (e.g. 2022 was 1
September 2021 to 31 August 2022) to correspond with
the survey which closed in August of 2022.
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The Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is a member of Deloitte Asia Pacic Limited and the Deloitte organisation. As one of Australia’s leading professional services rms, Deloitte
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©2023 Deloitte Access Economics. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
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General use restriction
This report is prepared solely for the use of eBay. This report is not intended to and should not be relied upon by anyone else and we accept no duty of care to any other
person or entity. This report has been prepared for the purpose of understanding the collectibles market in Australia and should not be taken as nancial advice. You should
not refer to or use our name or the advice for any other purpose.