Professional Development Certifications Funding (PDCF)
Advisor Approval Form
The Graduate Student Government is pleased to offer opportunities for Non-PhD graduate students to
apply for Professional Development Certification Funding that will promote their academic and
professional advancement. The funding from GSG originates from the activity fee collected from eligible
graduate students.
The GSG is pleased to have increased the conference funding available to non-PhD students despite our
limited funds. However, the GSG funding is designed to supplement the cost of the certification with the
expectation that departments and colleges will also invest in these important academic activities. Before
the GSG will consider any request for conference funding, students are required to approach their
department/college to explore funding opportunities available through those avenues.
Department/College Representatives: Please use this form to affirm any financial support that you are
able to provide this student. If no funding is available, please check the box below in addition to adding
your signature.
Student Name:
Professional Development Certification Name:
Check One
[ ]Funding is available from the college/department (Total Amount Allocated: $ )
[ ]Funding is NOT available from the college/department
The faculty advisor’s signature affirms that:
the certification funding is solely for the purpose of professional development of the student
the certification is not offered as part of the curriculum towards the student’s degree
the certification is not from a United States Accredited University
Advisor/Department Representative Signature:
Advisor Print Name: