FDP-410 Loan of Texas A&M University Property
Texas A&M University Property Management
Mail Stop 6000 – Property@tamu.edu
(Revised 9/01)
This completed and signed form documents the loan of the following property:
Inventory Number
Description (Please include serial number, where applicable)
This is a (check one):
__Short-term loan (less than 30 days) To be returned on or before: ______________________
__Long-term loan (greater than 30 days) To be returned on or before: ______________________
I, ______________________________, understand that I am responsible for the property listed above while it
is on loan to me. I will exercise reasonable care of this equipment and safeguard it against theft, damage and
misuse. I will use this equipment only for activities benefiting Texas A&M University. I will return the
property by the date listed above or upon separation from the University.
X______________________________________ ______________
Signature Date
Approval of Loan:
Department Head/Director/ Departmental
Property Contact Printed Name
_______________________________________ ______________
Department Head/Director/ Departmental Date
Property Contact Signature
Do not submit to Property Management. Please retain for your departmental
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